Campaign highlights the importance of truck drivers and thanks them for their essential work

When was the last time you thanked a trucker? Or made a hand gesture asking them to honk their horn? After a year in which everyone learned the importance of truck drivers, they deserve more celebration. So, Centerline Drivers has dedicated September as Respect the Drive Month.

Respect the Drive, a new driver-focused cultural movement, thanks drivers for their hard work and dedication to the industry and highlights what makes truck driving great. By expanding Truck Driver Appreciation Week to the whole month, Centerline Drivers is dedicating every day to celebrate drivers, honor their work and thank them for everything they do every day.

Respect the Drive is more than a catchphrase. It’s about celebrating milestones, telling stories and attracting drivers to the industry. It will give a behind-the-scenes look at why truck driving is an essential industry and why truck drivers should be celebrated. With the driver shortage affecting the industry and continuing to grow, Respect the Drive aims to illustrate the importance of the work and show the appreciation that people across the country have for trucking and truck drivers.

“This is a new way to recognize the truck drivers among us and celebrate these essential workers who keep the supply chain moving, making sure food and products stay on shelves, deliveries continue to be made and medical workers get the PPE they need,” said Jill Quinn, president of Centerline Drivers. “As we move toward the holiday season and expect presents and goods to be delivered, we all should take a pause, appreciate our truck drivers and respect the effort, training and perseverance it takes to drive a truck. That’s why we’re thanking our drivers and showing how we Respect the Drive.”