Port of Hueneme, agricultural imports and exports were up 3% for the 2020 with the year ending on June 30th but the Port’s vehicle import business is way down.
Michael Roberts, president of the American Maritime Partnership (AMP), called upon US Coast Guard Captains of the Port to agree on a unified set of protocols regarding Covid-19 treatment of mariners on U.S. flag vessels operating in the non-contiguous trades serving Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico.
The Agriculture Transportation Coalition (AgTC) accorded Federal Maritime Commissioner Rebecca Dye its “Person of the Year” award for her work implementing new demurrage and detention rules that help shippers and U.S. agricultural exporters.
At the beginning of the year, before COVID-19 had established a firm grip throughout the world, the World Economic Forum’s Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution declared, “there has never been a time of greater change for the last mile’”.
Maritime opponents of the proposed Oakland A’s baseball park and condominium complex at the Port of Oakland’s Howard Terminal vigorously contested a study, backed by the A’s, stating the Port operations would not be impacted by the proposed stadium/condominium development.