Oakland’s Wan says harbor trucker protest has shut down port operations & will result “in losses to competing ports”
Danny Wan, Executive Director, Port of Oakland warned that a protest by harbor truckers that has shut down Port of Oakland terminal operations: “will damage all the businesses operating at the ports and cause California ports to further suffer market share losses to competing ports.”
From Supply Chain Emergencies to Supply Chain Resiliency
With the turmoil of the last few years, companies in every link of the supply chain went into crisis mode.
Blue Diamond Almond Growers spearhead ‘Almond Express’ rail service to Ports of LA and LB
As a result of cutbacks in sailings to the Port of Oakland, Blue Diamond Almond Growers are supporting two new rail services transporting almond exports from Central California to the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.
CONECT’s annual Trade & Transportation Conference speakers show the way forward
This year’s conference given the challenges the industry faces was aptly titled “The Way Forward” and a solid lineup of speakers were put in place to help show a full-house of 150 plus attendees the path ahead.
AFL-CIO Transportation Head Says Labor/Shipper Coalition Supports Tougher Regulation of Railroads
The head of the AFL-CIO Transportation Trades Department (TTD) says a coalition of labor unions and shippers in agriculture, energy and chemicals supports giving the Surface Transportation Board stronger powers to regulate the nation’s railroads
Harbor truckers protest AB5 at Ports of Los Angeles & Long Beach
The Harbor Truck Association (HTA) reported that on July 13th, harbor truckers were protesting at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach following the U.S. Supreme Court decision not to challenge California’s Assembly Bill 5 (AB5) requiring owner/ operator truck drivers be treated as employees.
Do automated LA and Long Beach container terminals generate more work and higher pay for ILWU?
Automated container terminals at the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles have generated more work hours and higher pay for longshore workers according to a report commissioned by the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA).
Port of Rotterdam & Shell lead with new green hydrogen generation
At the Port of Rotterdam, Shell will soon begin construction of a facility that will provide green hydrogen.
English proficiency can play a role in airlines’ survival
Vu Van, CEO of ELSA, discusses the importance of English proficiency aptitude for the safety of aircraft, and how it can even boost employee retention.
AGTC: Exporters express frustration with ocean carriers
Agricultural exporters expressed their frustrations with ocean carriers at the Agriculture Transportation Coalition (AGTC) Annual Meeting on June 15th. This comes at a time when AGTC successfully lobbied for the Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2022 which will give the Federal Maritime Commission more power to regulate against unfair detention and demurrage practices that have been a focus of anger by exporters and importers.

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