Could marine highway ships and Port of Oakland relieve LA/LB port congestion?
Paul Snell, chief executive officer, British American Shipping, Long Beach, California, suggested that a coastal feeder ship service linking the Ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach and Oakland could relieve Southern California port congestion.
Could U.S. built and crewed ships help U.S. exporters?
The United States is facing growing challenges exporting agricultural products abroad at a time when it lacks the U.S. flagged vessels to support international trade, according to panelists addressing a Maritime Day symposium entitled “Do U.S. Exporters Need U.S. Ships?”
Staying liquid - the new rules of cash flow optimization in transportation
Controlling Cash to Drive Efficiencies and Better Returns in a Performance Hungry Market
PMSA: Port of Oakland Turning Basin expansion could be at risk from Oakland A’s ballpark complex
The Port of Oakland Turning Basin expansion, crucial to allowing mega containerships to expeditiously dock at the Port of Oakland, could be in jeopardy if the Bay Conservation and Development Commission approves the Oakland Athletics application to exclude the Howard Terminal site from its current seaport designation, according to Mike Jacob, vice president and general counsel, Pacific Merchant Shipping Association (PMSA).
Location, Location, Location
The recent fallout from Russia's invasion of Ukraine has led to upheaval following an unprecedented number of sanctions and export controls.
AgTC urges ILWU and PMA: avoid West Coast port disruptions
The Agriculture Transportation Coalition (AgTC) is urging the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) to avoid even a minor disruption of West Coast terminal operations as the two sides begin negotiating a new labor agreement.
Seroka says no major dislocation from Shanghai lockdown
There has been no major dislocation of imports from China due to the COVID lockdown in Shanghai
PMA’S Mckenna hopeful about ILWU contract negotiations but admits nobody knows for sure
Jim McKenna, president and CEO Pacific Maritime Association (PMA), is hopeful that contract negotiations set to begin with the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) will avoid a work stoppage.
CCM’s CEO Mike Wilson talks chassis
Mike Wilson is the CEO of Consolidated Chassis Management, better known as CCM and is, as the name implies, is a chassis management business.
Port of Redwood City’s Zortman hails annual dredging agreement with Army Corps
The Port of Redwood City’s success in persuading the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to provide annual dredging of the port’s ship channel will enhance revenues and tonnage according to Kristine Zortman, executive director, Port of Redwood City.

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