Ports & Terminals

New Port of Oakland Director Wan sets out 2020 goals

Danny Wan, the new executive director at the Port of Oakland said in his first ‘State of the Port 2020” speech that the “seaport has set volume records in two of the last three years despite our federal government’s best attempt to use trade as a geopolitical bargaining chip.”

He said the Port is making long-term plans for the future and cited the leadership of Maritime Director John Driscoll: “With the leadership of our Maritime Director, John Driscoll, the Seaport will be planning for improved traffic circulation, upgrading of equipment and technology investments that facilitates moving cargo in and out of the port quickly and with the least amount of congestion and environmental impact.”

Wan noted that the Port will continue developing new nearby warehousing and distribution at the former Oakland Army base: “…the Port will continue the transformation of the former Oakland Army Base with emphasis on land uses that allows for cargo transfer and distribution on site to reduce truck miles.”

Wan also told the audience that he stands by the development of the proposed Oakland A’s ballpark and condominium complex at the Port’s Howard Terminal site, which has drawn criticism from Port of Oakland maritime and trucking companies: “Let me be clear, the need for an industrial sanctuary does not preclude the proposal by the Oakland Athletics to build a major league ballpark at Howard Terminal. The Port sees exciting possibilities in the project: a more vibrant waterfront gateway to the city, added business in Jack London Square, more jobs for our neighbors, and a diversified revenue source.

I believe that the ballpark can be achieved if the proper measures are implemented to ensure compatibility with the Maritime business. Noise…traffic…buffers between industry and residents…these are all issues raised by the proposed ballpark. But we’re facing those same concerns in a larger context from residential and commercial development happening all around us.

In this effort, I am glad that our city leaders, including the Mayor, recognize that the Port of Oakland is an indispensable jobs and economic engine and tax base of the region. Being indispensable means that we have to be preserved. “

The State of the Port event was sponsored by Women in Logistics and the Pacific Merchant Shipping Association (PMSA).

Danny Wan executive director Port of Oakland sets out 2020 goals
Danny Wan executive director Port of Oakland sets out 2020 goals
Stas Margaronis
Stas Margaronis


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