Driving always comes with its risks. Unfortunately, there are accidents on the road every day, which often involve trucks. While you can’t prevent every single road collision from happening, you can understand why they happen and do your part to reduce the chances. This is especially true for fleet managers and transport and logistics business owners.

If you manage a fleet of trucks or have a logistics business, reducing accidents should be a top priority to ensure your drivers’ safety and improve productivity. The first step to preventing truck collisions is knowing why they happen. So, here are five risky road behaviors truck drivers should avoid.

1: Driving While Tired

Everyone knows just how dangerous driving while drunk is – but what about driving while tired? Drowsiness is often the cause of road incidents. It makes sense; while tired, your body doesn’t react as it should in comparison to when it’s fully awake and alert. Even a second delay can make the difference between a smooth journey and a road collision.

With this in mind, fleet management technology can help prevent truck collisions caused by driver tiredness. There are even drowsiness detectors truck drivers can use to ensure they get the rest they need when they need it.

2: Speeding

Another risky truck driver behavior is speeding. Not necessarily going 40mph over the limit, either – it doesn’t have to be much to cause an accident! Fortunately, monitoring a truck fleet’s speed is simple with GPS and dashcams. Doing so will reduce the amount of speeding by your truck drivers.

3: Overconfidence

Many truck drivers have been on the road for several years. It is great in many ways, as it means they know the rules and have a wealth of experience under their seatbelt. On the other hand, it can also lead to risky behavior. When a driver is too confident, they may miss hazards or changes on the roads.

Truck drivers must always stay alert and aware, no matter how much they know the road. After all, things can change! As a fleet manager, it’s a good idea to provide updated training programs to your most seasoned drivers – especially if they haven’t taken one in a while.

4: A Lack of Planning

Many truck drivers take to the road without a plan. Instead, they rely on their GPS to get them where they need to go. Not only might this reduce productivity, but it can also increase the chances of an accident. If a truck driver doesn’t know what lies ahead, they won’t be as prepared, which is risky in itself.

5: Not Recognizing Blind Spots or Hazards

This type of behavior often stems from overconfidence, but it is an issue all of its own. Not recognizing blind spots or road hazards can lead to a road collision. However, rear-view cameras can help truck drivers spot what is behind them.

Regarding hazards, staying alert while on the road is crucial at all times, even if the road is empty.

Final Thoughts

Recognizing these driver behaviors in your truck fleet can help you make adjustments to avoid them. Changes like increased training courses, better tracking, and improved communications can help truck drivers avoid road accidents.