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Oil holds at 12-week high amid stockpile drop, trade anxiety

Bloomberg | December 10, 2019 | International Trade

Peter Friedmann: USMCA will pass this year

AJOT | December 10, 2019 | International Trade

Truckers hail deal on USMCA trade agreement

AJOT | December 10, 2019 | International Trade

AAR apploads USMCA deal, calls for quick ratification

AJOT | December 10, 2019 | International Trade

USMCA agreement praised by United Fresh

AJOT | December 10, 2019 | International Trade
Port of Oakland export volume up 5.8 percent last month

AJOT | December 10, 2019 | Ports & Terminals | Ports | By The Numbers

November imports declined 7.2 percent
Konecranes expands bulk handling in Southampton

AJOT | December 10, 2019 | Ports & Terminals | Equipment and Tech

In October this year, Associated British Ports (ABP) received a Konecranes Gottwald Model 6 Mobile Harbor Crane at their operations in Southampton. Once it is handed over in December, the crane will help increase the amount of scrap and bulk handling in the port.
EBRD finances Tekirdag port on Turkey’s Sea of Marmara

AJOT | December 10, 2019 | Ports & Terminals | Ports

Turkey’s maritime industry is receiving a boost thanks to a new loan from the EBRD of US$ 17.5 million to the operator of Tekirdag port on the Sea of Marmara. ICBC Turkey is providing an equal loan.
Kerry Logistics opens office in Bahrain and logistics facility in Dubai

AJOT | December 10, 2019 | Logistics

Kerry Logistics Network Limited (‘Kerry Logistics’; Stock Code 0636.HK) is deepening its presence in the Middle East by setting up a new office in Bahrain and opening a new bonded logistics facility in Dubai, in order to extend its footprint and enhance its service capabilities as growth in the region gains momentum.
True Sports chooses Geodis for European warehousing & distribution

AJOT | December 10, 2019 | Logistics

The companies already have a multi-year partnership in the United States, reinforcing their global collaboration with this new contract.
UPS Delivers Expo 2020 Dubai’s Largest Shipment Ahead Of “World’s Greatest Show”

AJOT | December 10, 2019 | Logistics | Integrators

UPS, the Official Logistics Partner of Expo 2020 Dubai, choreographed multiple shipments from Germany through Belgium’s Port of Antwerp and into Dubai’s major commercial port in Jebel Ali.
Van rates hit highest mark since January

AJOT | December 10, 2019 | Intermodal | Trucking | By The Numbers

The load-to-truck ratio for vans doubled compared to the previous week, due to pent-up demand following the shortened holiday workweek.
Virginia’s calendar year-to-date cargo volume up nearly 4% despite soft November

AJOT | December 10, 2019 | Ports & Terminals | Ports | By The Numbers

Tariffs on some port, soybean exports waived; Dredging to 55-feet is underway

Savannah continues to build container volumes

AJOT | December 10, 2019 | Ports & Terminals | Ports | By The Numbers

Ross says U.S. within ‘Millimeters’ of completing USMCA Deal
International Trade
Bloomberg | Top Story | December 10, 2019

Ross says U.S. within ‘Millimeters’ of completing USMCA Deal

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said the U.S., Mexico, and Canada are close to finalizing changes to a revised North American free trade deal.
CMA CGM THC update for Guatemala import/export

AJOT | December 10, 2019 | Maritime | Liner Shipping

Trump Farm Chief sees China spared new Dec. 15 duties

Bloomberg | December 10, 2019 | International Trade

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