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ABB collaboration with Ballard advances fuel cell ships
Stas Margaronis | Top Story | July 03, 2018

AJOT Insights
ABB collaboration with Ballard advances fuel cell ships

Electronics maker, ABB, and Ballard Power Systems, a maker of fuel cell technology have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to develop the next-generation zero emission/ fuel cell power system for ships.
China verbally props up the Yuan as trade and growth fears spike

Bloomberg | July 03, 2018 | International Trade

How car companies are blasting Trump’s auto import investigation

Bloomberg | July 03, 2018 | International Trade

What trade war? Strategists get more bullish on Canadian stocks

Bloomberg | July 03, 2018 | International Trade
Kenya Airways revamps freight to boost E-Commerce volumes

Bloomberg | July 03, 2018 | Air Cargo

Kenya Airways Plc is revamping its profitable cargo business to make itself attractive to e-commerce companies like Amazon Inc. and Ikea Group in an effort to double the unit’s contribution to revenue.
China’s on the fast track to drone deliveries

Bloomberg | July 03, 2018 | Air Cargo | Logistics and SF Holding are building networks of large and small UAVs, and working with regulators to create rules for widespread use.

Canada strikes back at Trump, and condo buyers will pay the price
International Trade
Bloomberg | Top Story | July 03, 2018

Canada strikes back at Trump, and condo buyers will pay the price

Condo buyers in Canada’s already pricey markets may be the next to pay up as the trade battle with the U.S. radiates through the construction industry.
Xi faces hurdles bashing American brands in a Trump trade war

Bloomberg | July 03, 2018 | International Trade

As a trade war looms, one of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s biggest weapons could be boycotts of American brands by his country’s legion of consumers.

China to cancel more US soy shipments as more tariffs loom
International Trade
Bloomberg | Top Story | July 03, 2018

China to cancel more US soy shipments as more tariffs loom

Chinese companies are expected to cancel most of the remaining soybeans they have committed to buy from the U.S. in the year ending Aug. 31 once the extra tariff on U.S. imports takes effect from Friday.
China’s US exports cooled in first half as tariffs approach

Bloomberg | July 02, 2018 | International Trade

Li Ka-shing says US, China should find a way out of disputes

Bloomberg | July 02, 2018 | International Trade

US seeks to block entry for China Mobile, escalating tensions

Bloomberg | July 02, 2018 | International Trade

Japanese businesses aren’t cowering amid trade gloom

Bloomberg | July 02, 2018 | International Trade
Boutique whiskey makers fret over how hard EU tariffs will bite

Bloomberg | July 02, 2018 | International Trade

Family-owned distilleries without Jack Daniel’s name recognition can’t raise prices to counteract Europe’s retaliatory levies.

JPMorgan warns a trade war may trigger China corporate defaults

Bloomberg | July 02, 2018 | International Trade

US business lobby maps out states hardest hit by Trump tariffs

Bloomberg | July 02, 2018 | International Trade

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