The Alliance for Chemical Distribution (ACD) President and CEO Eric R. Byer released the following statement urging the U.S. Senate Commerce, Science, and Technology Committee to advance the nomination of Carl Bentzel to serve a second term as a Commissioner on the Federal Maritime Commission (the Commission) after its nomination hearing today:

“Commissioner Bentzel brings with him a deep understanding of the complexities of maritime law and regulation. He has a proven track record of leadership and an unwavering commitment to the U.S. maritime supply chain. This is particularly important as businesses continue to navigate ongoing disruptions and uncertainties of ocean shipping. Throughout his tenure on the Commission, he served as a dedicated advocate to industry, ensuring that American businesses are protected from unfair trade and business practices. ACD applauds the Committee for holding today’s hearing to consider Commissioner Bentzel’s nomination and urges the Senate to swiftly advance his nomination to serve another full term on the FMC without delay.”

Ahead of the nomination hearing, ACD and other maritime stakeholders, including shipping companies, labor organizations, ports, shipbuilders and trade associations, sent a letter to committee members urging their support for advancing Bentzel’s nomination.