Atir Rail is an independent company that specializes in the rental and management of railcars dedicated to the transport of goods. The fleet of 4.5K wagons is made up of several railcar types including specialist ones for gas, chemicals, petroleum, slurry, powder and hoppers. The company has decided to deploy Nexxiot’s cutting-edge TradeTech to increase the visibility of the fleet and improve the efficiency of operations.

Atir Rail, founded in 2003 and headquartered in Paris, is largely focused on the medium and long-term railcar rentals business. It will leverage the Nexxiot product portfolio of zero-maintenance sensor hardware, software, advanced algorithms and analytics for fleet visibility and efficiency. The primary drivers include better fleet utilization, maintenance scheduling, repairs, operational improvements, and process automation.

The Nexxiot Globehopper 3.0 hardware roll-out will begin in the next month and Atir Rail clients will be introduced to the new data-driven services over the coming year. Nexxiot hardware is certified safe for use in hazardous environments (ATEX/HAZLOC) and the data is sent to the Nexxiot Connect Intelligent Cloud in real-time to monitor and control actual mileage, railcar and cargo conditions and asset health. The technology also means it’s possible to monitor the quality of the cargo and various parameters that are important for improving operational performance, service quality, sustainability. This results in more trusted processes for the end-client as well.

Nexxiot’s objective is to reduce carbon emissions in the global supply chain by 5% by reducing empty moves, optimizing inefficient routes and eliminating handling errors. The company also has a policy of recycling and managing the end-of-life of the sensor hardware itself. “Quality is a central pillar of our culture,” said Stefan Kalmund, Nexxiot CEO. “As drivers of the emerging TradeTech sector and leaders in the digitalization of the global supply chain, we take our responsibilities very seriously. We know how important safety, security and sustainability are to our clients. We make sure we support their strategic goals for the long-term as well as their commercial goals for the immediate future as well.” he added.