The British International Freight Association (BIFA), the trade association for UK freight forwarding and logistics companies, has launched a dedicated website – - that will focus on helping both employers and potential recruits to better understand apprenticeship opportunities in the freight forwarding industry.
Carl Hobbis, BIFA’s Training Development Manager, says: “Having been actively involved in the creation of the apprenticeship, BIFA has committed to promote the availability of the new apprenticeship and encourage employers and potential entrants to consider this apprenticeship as a route into the industry.”
The development of the microsite follows last year’s introduction of the International Freight Forwarding Specialist apprenticeship, providing more opportunities for young people in the industry.
The microsite includes case studies containing an array of tips all of which come from the experiences of BIFA members and their apprentices. With the aim of creating a support network, there are a range of materials for employers including information about funding and hiring.
Advice for apprentices includes highlighting a myriad of career pathways as well as information about the International Freight Forwarding Specialist Apprenticeship scheme. It aims to help those seeking apprenticeships in freight forwarding and be a resource to find opportunities.
Hobbis adds: “One of the big attractions of choosing a career in freight forwarding is the different pathways that your career could take you. On the microsite, visitors can read a range of case studies from established BIFA members which demonstrate some of those fascinating career paths. They can also see top tips from existing apprentices as to why an apprenticeship should be considered."
It follows BIFA’s recent addition of an apprentice category into the trade association’s annual Freight Service Awards competition, which was created to encourage and reward high standards and professionalism and represent the ultimate recognition of special achievement.
Robert Keen, BIFA’s Director General, says: “In 2018, freight apprenticeships came to the fore, and there has already been significant interest from both employers and candidates.
“If you need guidance to cut through all of the red-tape, the website provides a range of assets that can be used for attending careers or local community days, clarity on funding benefits and practical tips that can create a better chance of hiring the best talent.”
BIFA wants its members to be ahead of the curve in thinking about their early talent planning and there is no better way than during the forthcoming National Apprenticeship Week (NAW) which runs from March 4-8th.
“Too many companies leave their recruitment planning until the summer – but the ‘early talent’ that are potential candidates have already made their career choices,” Keen concludes.