Between two of India’s biggest cities, a new and fast connection road is being built: the Mumbai-Pune Expressway. The new connection road will guarantee a safer route for commuters and decreases travel time by an incredible 45 minutes. RVR projects, tunnel construction specialist, uses emission free electric portable air compressors from Atlas Copco to sustainably build 10 kilometers of tunnel.
Mumbai, India’s commercial metropolis and one of the most densely populated cities in the world, is changing. Its population has increased significantly over the last half century and continues to grow rapidly – as does its traffic. The roads are congested and overcrowded, making traveling an often unpleasant and frustrating experience. Mudslides caused by monsoon weather conditions also critically impact traffic delays, as well as threatening the safety of commuters.
Emmission free E-Air compressors
RVR projects is one of the two contractors on-site to take on the tough job of building the expressway’s tunnels. The local construction specialist opted to use two of its thirteen Atlas Copco electric E-Air compressors for shotcreting the hanging and side walls of the underground excavation. This strengthens the tunnel while leaving the structure of the rocks intact. The tunneling expert is also using an Atlas Copco pneumatic stoper drill to support the drilling works.
RVR projects has more than 800 members of its team building the Mumbai-Pune Expressway, with at some moments up to 2000 workers joining forces, working in shifts to ensure its success in time for the scheduled completion date. Their working conditions in the tunnels are tough; inside it is dusty, muddy, and very hot, with the temperature rising to a scorching 45 degrees Celsius.
As the ideal partner to help withstand these extreme conditions, RVR projects choose the highly efficient, low cost and ultra-quiet electric E-Air compressors. The E-Airs do not produce emissions, which makes them an ideal fit for the inside operations. The compressors are working 24/7 to keep the project running continuously; maintain a consistent supply of clean air to help improve the air quality; and reduce the noise for those working inside the tunnels.
The construction company decided to choose the electric E-Air due to it being fitted with Atlas Copco’s in-house developed electric motor and power electronics, which have both been expertly refined and proven suitable for the toughest of applications and environments. The unit’s motor is oil cooled and therefore able to withstand high humidity and dusty environments, and its power electronics are liquid cooled, offering unparalleled reliability.