Air Cargo

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American Airlines becomes first U.S. Carrier to begin Cuba cargo service
Air Cargo
AJOT | Top Story | June 04, 2018

American Airlines becomes first U.S. Carrier to begin Cuba cargo service

American Airlines becomes the first U.S. passenger carrier to begin cargo service in Cuba. The airline now offers mail service, including correspondence, parcels and express mail, into and out of José Martí International Airport (HAV) in Havana, Cuba’s capital city and leading commercial center.
China Aircraft Has Mandate to Order Up to 200 Planes This Year

Bloomberg | June 04, 2018 | Air Cargo | General

Global Airline Profit Forecast Cut by IATA on Higher Costs

Bloomberg | June 04, 2018 | Air Cargo | Airlines

Japan Air Sets Sights on AirAsia’s Turf for First Low-Cost Route

Bloomberg | June 04, 2018 | Air Cargo | Airlines

Qantas to Order Long-Range Planes for Project Sunrise Next Year

Bloomberg | June 04, 2018 | Air Cargo | Airlines

Airbus Is Said to Be Front-Runner for $6.6 Billion Vistara Order

Bloomberg | June 03, 2018 | Air Cargo | General

Boeing Pushing for Open, Fair Trade as U.S. Slaps Metals Tariffs

Bloomberg | June 03, 2018 | Air Cargo | General | International Trade

Airbus Sees Demand Beyond Qantas for Ultra-Long Range Plane

Bloomberg | June 02, 2018 | Air Cargo | General

Rhino flown to South East Asia as part of endangered species breeding programme
Air Cargo
AJOT | Top Story | June 01, 2018

Rhino flown to South East Asia as part of endangered species breeding programme

Rhino flown to South East Asia as part of endangered species breeding programme. Intradco Global has helped to transport a greater one-horned rhino from Europe to South East Asia as part of an endangered species-breeding programme. Born in 2008 and now reaching sexual maturity, the 2.5 ton male rhino Bertus was safely relocated from Edinburgh Zoo to a new home at Batu Secret Zoo in Indonesia where it is hoped he will help boost the population. In the past, the greater one-horned rhino could be found across the entire northern part of the Indian subcontinent. However, populations have declined drastically due to habitat destruction, sport hunting and poaching. The species was on the brink of extinction at the beginning of the 20th century. Efforts by conservationists and strict protection by wildlife authorities has helped these populations to begin the long road of recovery. Working in close cooperation with Mileinair and Chapman Freeborn Poland, Intradco Global arranged the air transport from Luxembourg (LUX) to Surabaya (SUB) by offering a part-charter solution on a Boeing 777 Freighter. Bertus – who even has his own celebrity Twitter account @swipe_rhino - was given first class treatment throughout the road trip and flight. To ensure his comfort and well-being he was joined on board the aircraft by two veterinary professionals and two Intradco specialists who oversaw the safe loading and unloading requirements. Speaking on behalf of Intradco Global, Tom Lamb said: “We’re pleased to have managed this successful air transport project, working in close cooperation with Mileinair and our Chapman Freeborn colleagues. Hopefully Bertus will be a significant boost to the endangered species breeding program – increasing the ex-situ numbers and helping to create more awareness of the challenges these impressive animals face in the wild.”
Modi Government to Review Air India Deal After Sale Plan Flops

Bloomberg | May 31, 2018 | Air Cargo | Airlines
Emergency logistics mitigates automotive production risk posed by industrial strike action and unrest

AJOT | May 31, 2018 | Air Cargo | Air Forwarders | Logistics

The ongoing strikes in Brazil and a period of industrial disruption in Nicaragua are threatening the supply chains of several major vehicle manufacturers.

United Airlines accused of broad anti-union campaign

Bloomberg | May 31, 2018 | Air Cargo

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