Air Cargo

Coverage of air cargo related news including freight forwarders, airlines, airports and more
How Air Alliance Medflight transports corona patients all over the world

AJOT | November 25, 2020 | Air Cargo | Technology

Air Alliance Medflight experiences massive demand for safe transport of severely ill Covid-19 patients. Inside their jets is the isolation and transport system, EpiShuttle. Through both sandstorms and looming thunder, severely ill patients have been safely transported all over the world.
Abu Dhabi launches the Hope Consortium for full global vaccine distribution

AJOT | November 25, 2020 | Air Cargo | Airports

Amid an anticipated surge in vaccine logistics demand, Abu Dhabi is poised to cement its position as the global logistics hub to facilitate COVID-19 vaccine distribution across the world, after spearheading the launch of the Hope Consortium.

Astral Aviation readies to perform vaccine flights within Africa

AJOT | November 25, 2020 | Air Cargo | Airports

Delta pilots approve agreement to avoid furloughs through 2021

Bloomberg | November 25, 2020 | Air Cargo | Airlines

European airlines face a harder recovery than their rivals

Bloomberg | November 25, 2020 | Air Cargo | Airlines

Emirates sees 2022 return of Jumbo A380s as travel recovers

Bloomberg | November 25, 2020 | Air Cargo | Airlines | Intermodal

UPS will make dry ice, offer freezers for vaccine distribution

Bloomberg | November 25, 2020 | Air Cargo | Freighters

Philippine Airlines says it’s readying restructuring plan

Bloomberg | November 25, 2020 | Air Cargo | Airlines

South Africa could sell shares in revived national airline

Bloomberg | November 25, 2020 | Air Cargo

Japan, China agree to restart two-way travel by end of November

Bloomberg | November 24, 2020 | Air Cargo | Airports | International Trade

Airlines stir doubts with ‘flying is safe’ claim on Covid spread

Bloomberg | November 24, 2020 | Air Cargo | Airlines
Airlines see loss reaching $157 billion before virus clears

Bloomberg | November 24, 2020 | Air Cargo | Airlines

Record airline losses from the coronavirus outbreak will continue to mount next year as anticipated vaccination programs take time to revive travel demand, according to the industry’s main trade group.

Boeing’s 737 Max gains tentative European regulatory clearance

Bloomberg | November 24, 2020 | Air Cargo | Airlines

SAA needs partner to strengthen management, administrator says

Bloomberg | November 24, 2020 | Air Cargo | Airlines

Covid passports seen as key to resuming international travel

Bloomberg | November 24, 2020 | Air Cargo | Airports

Vietnam Ministry proposes fuel tax cut extension through 2021

Bloomberg | November 24, 2020 | Air Cargo | Airlines

US air travelers surge over 1 million in holiday-season uptick

Bloomberg | November 23, 2020 | Air Cargo | Airlines
Airline lobby is building a Covid ‘Travel Pass’ to spur flights

Bloomberg | November 23, 2020 | Air Cargo | Airlines

Global airline lobby IATA is working on a mobile app that will help travelers demonstrate their coronavirus-free status, joining a push to introduce so-called Covid passports as vaccines for the disease near approval.

Teetering airlines will struggle to outlast wait for vaccine

Bloomberg | November 23, 2020 | Air Cargo | Airlines | Intermodal

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