
Energy industry news - solar, wind, hydroelectric, natural gas, petroleum.
US natural gas exports to Mexico reach record highs in June 2021

AJOT | July 16, 2021 | Energy

Natural gas exports from the United States to Mexico surpassed 7 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) on multiple days during June, according to pipeline data from Wood Mackenzie. The record high for the month was 7.4 Bcf/d on June 24. Increased power demand, high temperatures, and greater industrial demand, combined, drove the increased demand for natural gas. New pipeline additions have helped facilitate the increased volume of natural gas flowing to natural gas-fired power plants, industrial plants, and pipeline interconnections throughout Mexico.

When Europe’s proposed carbon rules hit oil guzzling industries
Air Cargo
Bloomberg | Top Story | July 16, 2021

When Europe’s proposed carbon rules hit oil guzzling industries

The EU’s sweeping proposals to curb greenhouse emissions are likely to upend the continent’s oil demand over the years and decades to come. Here’s a run through the plans -- and key timings -- for aviation, shipping and makers of road-fuel.
Singapore says S$5 carbon tax a start’ as it eyes higher levy

Bloomberg | July 16, 2021 | Energy | Alternative

Merkel, Biden differ on pipeline, agree to limit Russian clout

Bloomberg | July 15, 2021 | Energy | International Trade
Brent crude oil price forecast to average $72 per barrel in the second half of 2021

AJOT | July 15, 2021 | Energy

In the July Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), we forecast the Brent crude oil price will average $72 per barrel (b) in the second half of 2021 (2H21) and $67/b in 2022, both $6/b higher than in the June STEO forecast. We revised global production down by 210,000 barrels per day (b/d) in 2H21, leading to larger forecast inventory draws in 2H21 and smaller forecast inventory builds in 2022, which contributes to the increased price forecast.
Weaker US Gulf coast gasoline inventories pull cargoes away from the East Coast

AJOT | July 15, 2021 | Energy

LR1 Silver Venus loaded 315,000 bbls of gasoline at the Petrobras Rio de Janeiro terminal July 1, before heading north signaling for New York. The vessel then changed direction on July 13, heading west and is now signaling for Houston.

Mission Critical Electronics acquires ZeroRPM

AJOT | July 15, 2021 | Energy | Alternative

Welcome to Europe in 2035: Electric taxis and hydrogen boilers

Bloomberg | July 15, 2021 | Energy | Alternative

EU kicks off biggest push yet on climate, braces for a fight

Bloomberg | July 15, 2021 | Energy | Alternative

Uganda moves to end monopoly on Kenyan route for oil imports

Bloomberg | July 15, 2021 | Energy | Conventional

EU states now have to split the bill for their climate moonshot

Bloomberg | July 14, 2021 | Energy | Alternative
Bit late for bitcoin: How China’s crackdown is reducing more emissions than whole countries emit

AJOT | July 14, 2021 | Energy | Alternative

Mining bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies consumes vast amounts of energy. Increasing scrutiny over the environmental impact of this activity recently led the Chinese government to order a crackdown on projects around the country, and now most of them are reportedly already halted. A Rystad Energy analysis shows that until recently, China’s bitcoin production used to emit as much CO2 as the whole country of Portugal, a whopping 57 million tonnes (Mt) annually.

Airlines and automakers brace for EU’s momentous CO2 clampdown
Bloomberg | Top Story | July 14, 2021

Airlines and automakers brace for EU’s momentous CO2 clampdown

Europe’s airlines are pushing back against the European Union’s upgraded climate plan, saying a planned tax on jet fuel is counterproductive as the region’s transportation sector braces for measures that will make the region the first carbon-neutral continent.
Crowley will build and operate the first fully electric US tugboat

AJOT | July 14, 2021 | Energy | Alternative | Maritime | Technology

Pioneers of innovative, high-powered ship assist tugboats, Crowley Maritime Corporation will lead the next generation of industry sustainability by building and operating eWolf, the first all-electric powered harbor tugboat that can complete a job without expending a drop of fuel.

New England Aqua Ventus will launch first US floating offshore wind turbine In 2023/24
Stas Margaronis | Top Story | July 14, 2021

AJOT Insights
New England Aqua Ventus will launch first US floating offshore wind turbine In 2023/24

New England Aqua Ventus expects to launch the first U.S. floating wind turbine into the Gulf of Maine in 2023/24, according to Dr. Habib Dagher, founding executive director of the University of Maine’s Advanced Structures and Composites Center (ASCC).
In 2020, US coal production fell to its lowest level since 1965

AJOT | July 14, 2021 | Energy

U.S. coal production totaled 535 million short tons (MMst) in 2020, a 24% decrease from the 706 MMst mined in 2019 and the lowest level of coal production in the United States in any year since 1965.

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