International Trade

Don’t blame China for Germany’s data shocker

Bloomberg | March 25, 2019 | International Trade

China’s tropical talk-fest highlights reform pace amid trade war

Bloomberg | March 25, 2019 | International Trade

US farmers’ field of dreams is soaked

Bloomberg | March 25, 2019 | International Trade

Global trade takes sharp turn down with biggest drop since 2009

Bloomberg | March 25, 2019 | International Trade

Mahathir downplays threat to choose China jets amid EU palm spat

Bloomberg | March 25, 2019 | International Trade

China’s back in the market for hogs
International Trade
Bloomberg | Top Story | March 25, 2019

China’s back in the market for hogs

There are finally enough signs of an emerging pork catastrophe in China to propel prices and get funds to turn bullish again.
Fake Range Rovers barred from sale in China

Bloomberg | March 24, 2019 | International Trade

A Chinese court ordered a local carmaker to stop selling a copycat version of the Range Rover Evoque in China, a rare legal victory for foreign companies locked in intellectual property disputes with local firms.
A year on, Trump’s metals tariffs have more losers than winners

Bloomberg | March 24, 2019 | International Trade

So far, trade wars don’t seem to be as "good, and easy to win" as U.S. President Donald Trump promised a year ago when he imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum imports.

China won’t concede to US on digital trade curbs, FT reports

Bloomberg | March 24, 2019 | International Trade

China’s Liu to visit Washington April 3 as trade talks continue

Bloomberg | March 23, 2019 | International Trade

Apple CEO Cook urges China to keep opening up its economy

Bloomberg | March 22, 2019 | International Trade

US to leave in place latest North Korea-related sanctions, sources say

Bloomberg | March 22, 2019 | International Trade

US sanctions Bandes, Venezuela’s national development bank

Bloomberg | March 22, 2019 | International Trade

Trump wants European autos BMW, Mercedes to be made in America
International Trade
Bloomberg | Top Story | March 22, 2019

Trump wants European autos BMW, Mercedes to be made in America

President Trump has given European auto manufacturers a way to avoid an escalation of the trade war, saying they can avoid tariffs on cars if they build more plants in the U.S.
Trump says China deal is ‘close’ ahead of fresh round of talks

Bloomberg | March 22, 2019 | International Trade

Swiss watchmakers caught in middle of U.S.-China trade war
International Trade
Bloomberg | Top Story | March 22, 2019

Swiss watchmakers caught in middle of U.S.-China trade war

When Ricardo Guadalupe stepped into the Las Vegas shop of luxury watch brand Hublot earlier this month, something didn’t feel right.
Trump tariffs vex investors. Here’s what anxiety looks like.

Bloomberg | March 22, 2019 | International Trade

Trump’s sanctions staff defects as US expandseconomic war

Bloomberg | March 22, 2019 | International Trade

Trump aides play down odds of swift China deal ahead of talks

Bloomberg | March 21, 2019 | International Trade

Big-solar owners warn patent sispute could roil US sector

Bloomberg | March 21, 2019 | International Trade

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