AJOT | March 20, 2020 | Maritime | Technology
First of two vessels, it is the largest LNG-powered car carrier
Each measuring 200m long by 38m wide, its 13 decks have a capacity of 7,500 ceu
The ships will operate exclusively for the Volkswagen Group
As a result, Volkswagen will be the first automaker to use LNG-powered ships in long-distance overseas distribution of cars and light vehicles
A comprehensive LNG bunkering fuel supply agreement has been signed with Shell to guarantee that all voyages will utilize exclusively LNG fuel
Compared to conventional fuel, LNG propulsion reduces carbon dioxide emissions by up to 25%, nitrogen oxide emissions by up to 30%, particulate matter by up to 60% and sulphur oxide emissions by up to 100%
The ships are financed under a JOLCO structured arranged by Crédit Agricole CIB, and documented in accordance with LMA Green Loan Principles (GLP) and Second-Opinion provided by DNV-GL