CIRCLE Group (“CIRCLE”), specialized in the analysis and development of innovative digitization solutions for port and intermodal logistics and in international consultancy with focus on Green Deal and energy transition led by Circle S.p.A., is awarded eFTI2 project to support the European Commission on the implementation specifications for the EU Regulation 2020/1056 on electronic freight transport information (eFTI).
More specifically, the purpose of the work is to support the European Commission with evolution and delivery of the “Specifications related to the development and certification of eFTI platforms” and “Specifications related to the implementation of the requirements for and certification of the eFTI service providers.
The value of this contract is € 410,000.
“After the success we had with the Call launched in 2020 by the European Commission Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, we can put for the second time our experience on freight transport at the service of eFTI subject. We will guarantee together with our project partner DigiLogistika Keskus (Digital Logistics Centre of Excellence) continuity in the work making use of the acquired know-how” said Alexio Picco, Managing Director at CIRCLE Group.
It should be recalled that the eFTI Regulation will facilitate and support the digitalisation of freight transport and logistics information exchange with a view to reduce administrative costs, improve enforcement capabilities of the involved Competent Authorities, and enhance the efficiency and sustainability of transport.