Following bunker prices evolution since the last surcharge adjustment, CMA CGM SSL Intra Europe will revise its BAF as follows on its Roro South services connecting France with Algeria, Tunisia & Morocco (import & export):

Effective August 1st, 2024:
CargoAlgeria serviceTunisia serviceMorocco service
Roll, fullEUR 1,170/unitEUR 491/unitEUR 633/unit
Roll, emptyEUR 737/unitEUR 326/unitEUR 419/unit
Other rolling units*EUR 152/LMEUR 56/LMEUR 63/LM
Pass. cars, minivansEUR 252/unitEUR 189/unitEUR 216/unit
BreakbulkEUR 71/CBMEUR 30/CBMEUR 33/CBM

(*) Truck/Earth moving equipment, on wheels or tracks, duty trucks and agricultural devices, livestock trucks

Reefer operational surcharge applicable to Pharma cargo


CMA CGM informs its customers of the following Reefer Operational Surcharge update, applicable to Pharma cargo carried in Reefer containers:

Effective August 10th, 2024 until further notice:

- Origin: From all origins except North America

- Destination: To all destinations

- Cargo: Pharma cargo carried in Reefer containers

- Amount: USD 250 per unit

- Origin: From North America

- Destination: To all destinations

- Cargo: Pharma cargo carried in Reefer containers

- Amount: USD 500 per unit

This surcharge is mandatory for all Pharma cargo carried in Reefer containers. It covers following preparations:

- Mandatory full Pre Trip Inspection (PTI)

- Clean, dry and odor-free container

- Locked keyboard

- Age of equipment maximum 5 years

- Drains and ventilation closed

- Good Distribution Practice (GDP) qualified equipment

- Access to data after the trip (per request)

- Risk assessment prior to booking (POL/POD and number of transshipment ports)