In consequence of the pandemic control management measures undertaken by the local authorities in Shanghai, we observe massive impact on both trucking movements velocity and available trucking capacities.

These factors have a major impact on import cargo that suffer drastically slower pick up time and therefore excessively stretched dwell time which results in high stress on yard plug capacities.

To prevent potential situation whereby on last minute your reefer shipment is denied for discharge due to limited plug capacities, it is highly recommended that cargo owners anticipate potential issues and identify re-rerouting options.

CMA CGM will waive the change of destination (COD) administration fee for those customers who decide to COD inbound reefers from Shanghai to other alternative ports. As we try our best to safeguard your cargo, please note that in the event your reefer import shipment fails to discharge upon its arrival in Shanghai, we may divert the cargo to alternative transshipment port/s for interim storage before shipping back to Shanghai when the situation allows. In such case, there may be additional costs incurred on the Consignee’s account* and payable upon delivery. Our local office will reach out and advise the details if indeed your cargo is affected.