Following bunker prices evolution since the last surcharge adjustment, CMA CGM SSL Intra Europe will revise its BAF as follows on its Roro South services connecting France with Algeria, Tunisia & Morocco (import & export):

Effective May 1st, 2024:

CargoAlgeria serviceTunisia serviceMorocco service
Roll, fullEUR 1,196/unitEUR 502/unitEUR 646/unit
Roll, emptyEUR 753/unitEUR 333/unitEUR 427/unit
Other rolling units*EUR 155/LMEUR 55/LMEUR 64/LM
Pass. cars, minivansEUR 258/unitEUR 193/unitEUR 221/unit
BreakbulkEUR 72/CBMEUR 31/CBMEUR 35/CBM

(*) Truck/Earth moving equipment, on wheels or tracks, duty trucks and agricultural devices, livestock trucks