Commissioner Daniel B. Maffei departed the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) today with the expiration of the one-year holdover period from his term’s official expiration on June 30, 2017.

Commissioners serve on set five-year terms. Commissioners must be nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate for each term they serve. Commissioners are allowed to stay in their position for one-year past the expiration of their term if their replacement has not been confirmed by the Senate.

Commissioner Maffei joined the Commission on July 18, 2016 after having served as a Senior Advisor at the Department of Commerce and as a Member of Congress representing the 24th and 25th Congressional Districts of New York.

“Commissioner Maffei has been a congenial colleague and constructive participant in the work of the agency during the past two years. I am pleased to have had the opportunity to serve with him on the Federal Maritime Commission. I commend him for his dedication to public service and his work at the FMC was of benefit to American shippers and consumers. I wish him good fortune in his future endeavors,” said Acting Chairman Michael A. Khouri.

Commissioner Rebecca Dye noted, “Commissioner Maffei has been as asset to the Federal Maritime Commission and I will miss his valuable contributions to our deliberations and decisions. He is a pleasure to work with and I wish him all the best in his future endeavors.”

In a statement issued to all Commission employees, Commissioner Maffei reflected on his time at the FMC by stating, “My two years here have been an honor, a pleasure, and a true education in both the importance of international shipping and the very deep structural challenges it faces.”