August 25th marked a significant day for Guangzhou Port/Nansha(GZP) as its deep-water channels widening project was completed and put into operation.

The widening project, serving as a “No.1 Project” of making Guangzhou/Nansha port an international shipping hub, will put an end to the one-way navigation for large container ships between the Guishan anchorage and Port of Nansha area. It now allows dual direction of two mega vessels. The project, which started its first phase construction in October 2016, has finished a total of six phases of construction in four years, setting new records for Guangzhou’s shipping channel construction in areas like preliminary coordination difficulty, construction difficulty and investment volume. Also, the project provides a guarantee for maintaining the smooth flow of the international shipping supply chain and narrowing waiting time for ships’ berthing and departure.

“Guangzhou Port’s deep-water channels widening project is a major connectivity project of promoting Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area construction with a 2.3 billion (apprx $336 Million USD) yuan investment. The project, which began in October, 2016 and was completed this year, has widen the 66.6 km-length channel from navigable 243m-breadth to 385m-breadth (-17 meters/55.77feet water depth) between the Guishan anchorage and Port of Nansha area.” said Mr Chen, Director General of Guangzhou Port Authority, in project completion ceremony.

“Guangzhou Port will continue to improve its services in accordance with the deployment of Guangzhou International Shipping Hub construction. We’ll make full use of the new advantages of newly-built channels to improve port service efficiency, reduce integrated logistics costs and strengthen integrated transportation hub functions as well as jointly build coastal connections with customers” said Mr Li, Chairman of the Board of Guangzhou Port Group.

Port of Nansha, as an integral part of Guangzhou Port and a beneficiary of the widening project, will seize the opportunity to provide more high-quality services for customers. The container throughput of Guangzhou Port(GZP) in January-July this year is 11.987 million TEUs with 1.9% increase compared with the same period last year; and Port of Nansha’s container throughput is 9.532 million TEUs, increased year-on-year by 1.4% in the first seven months with 8 new shipping services launched.

Besides the widening project, Guangzhou/Nansha Port Group is keeping up with demand with 3 other strategic initiatives all scheduled to be completed in 2021:

1. 4th Terminal

2. On Dock Rail

3. State of the Art Cold Logistics Facility-8 stories

4. 3 new on dock Warehouses-6 stories

These projects will jointly further improve GZP’s international services and benefit the Belt&Road Initiative as well as develop Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.