Vijan Chetty, General Manager, Perishable Products Export Control Board (PPECB)

The Cool Chain Association (CCA) has appointed Vijan Chetty, General Manager of the Perishable Products Export Control Board (PPECB) as its new Treasurer, and two new Board members as it commits to new projects.

Natalie Niers, Chief Operating Officer, Validaide

Natalie Niers, Chief Operating Officer, Validaide, and Ian Buck, Head of Business Development, AEROTUF have joined the CCA Board.

Gerton Hulsman, Commercial Director, Energy in Process, has been elected as an Advisory Board member.

“We are committing to new projects to drive quality in the temperature-controlled supply chain and our new Board members bring decades of experience in the sector and a new enthusiasm to help us do just that,” said Stavros Evangelakakis, Chairman CCA, and Head of Global Healthcare, Cargolux Airlines.

“Our Board now includes experts from across the supply chain, which will help us understand challenges, as well as a new perspective on solutions to improve the cool chain.”

CCA Board members will be driving new CCA Working Groups focused on initiatives including a project comparing air with sea transportation driven by PPECB, as well as program working with and Cargo iQ.

Chetty has over 25 years of experience working in the temperature-controlled supply chain, which has included operational roles, as well as senior management with the PPECB.

He was elected to the CCA Board in 2018 and has led a series of initiatives for the Association, including setting up a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the PPECB and the CCA, resulting in the development of a perishables best practice video based on key findings from monitoring perishables shipping lanes from farm to fork.

Niers has over 20 years’ supply chain experience, including with Nike and Bier and Co, where she witnessed first-hand the risks of product waste during transportation.

“By joining the CCA Board, I aim to help increase collaboration across different parties in the supply chain in a neutral environment to look at how we can work together to ensure less wastage in temperature controlled pharma and perishable shipments.

“Given my background, I hope to help create practical and operational examples and processes to increase the quality and efficiency of the temperature-controlled supply chain.”

Ian Buck, Head of Business Development, AEROTUF

Ian Buck has over 20 years’ experience of working in packaging in the cool supply chain, including at Sonoco Thermosafe and at SCA Cool Logistics.

“My aim is to couple my experience across a variety of perishable markets and verticals, with an in-depth knowledge of temperature protection, control and monitoring products to drive collaboration and innovation within our membership, and to a wider audience in this space”.

Hulsman has 35 years’ experience in the air cargo industry, including 12 years as Managing Director of the cargo subsidiaries of Cologne-Bonn and Dusseldorf Airport, Germany.

CCA Board members are the driving force behind the Association, overseeing projects that will help reduce food waste and improve the quality of the temperature-controlled supply chain.

Chetty replaces Miguel Rodriguez as Treasurer, who is stepping down from the CCA Board to pursue academic interests.