Maritime industry decarbonisation brings along new legislation. In addition to the upcoming rules for EEXI and CII, there is a growing interest among ship owners and operators to understand the true well-to-wake emissions of the newbuildings. It is also important to gain control of the total cost of both today’s and future choices of fuels and technologies in the projects. Shipping decarbonisation is technically a combination of smart operations, innovative, efficient ship design and low-carbon fuels. Deltamarin’s new design tools enable to gain control of all of these.
Deltamarin partnered recently with DNV, Total and Minerva Marine for performing a joint industry project (JIP) regarding various fuel alternatives with two different tankers as case ships. The project was conducted during 2020 and it included assessment of different options for decarbonization with respect to design of vessels, financials, and environmental performance – both on well-to-wake as well as tank-to-wake basis. The case vessels in the project were Deltamarin’s new design, but the operation profile was based on measurements from existing, modern tanker fleet of similar size.