The Drewry Container Port Throughput Indices are a series of volume growth/decline indices based on monthly throughput data for a sample of over 220 ports worldwide, representing over 75% of global volumes. The base point for the indices is January 2012 = 100.

Drewry’s latest assessment - January 2019

  • After reaching 130.7 points in October 2018 (the highest level in the last seven months), the Drewry Container Port Throughput index fell back to 127.7 in November 2018. However, it was close to three points up on an annual basis when compared to November 2017.
  • All regions witnessed a monthly decline in November 2018 except Asia (excl. China) for which the Index was almost the same for October and November 2018. A November decline is unusual, and not seen in recent years. Chief suspect as ever at the moment is the US-China tariff war changing and disrupting supply chains.
  • North America witnessed the largest monthly decline after a 10.5 point growth in October 2018. The Index was at 139 in November 2018 compared to more than 150 points in October 2018. However, the index was more than six points (4.7%) up compared to November 2017. Strong growth in the earlier part of the year seems to be slowing markedly, perhaps due to US port congestion brought about by earlier surges in cargo seeking to beat the tariff deadlines.
  • Latin America followed the trend with close to seven points (5.7%) monthly decline in November 2018. However, it was almost the same compared to November 2017.
  • The largest region China was also in the same league by witnessing two points (1.5%) decline in November 2018. However, the index was four points up compared to November 2017.
  • Europe and Africa both witnessed around 3% monthly decline in November 2018. On an annual basis, the index was 1% higher for Europe whereas it was almost unchanged for Africa.

* Note that the index figures for Africa are based on a relatively small sample, and should be viewed with caution

# All index figures for Nov-18 are preliminary, subject to change next month