As of 07:00 Egypt time Thursday 25th March Evergreen can confirm the following:
After 48 hours of proactive efforts to re-float Ever Given, the time-chartered vessel’s grounding situation has not been resolved.
The shipowner has appointed two maritime professional rescue teams from the Netherlands (Smit Salvage) and Japan (Nippon Salvage) to attend the ship. These teams will be working with the Captain and the Suez Canal Authority to design a more effective plan for refloating the vessel as soon as possible.
Evergreen Line will continue to coordinate with the shipowner and Suez Canal Authority to deal with the situation with the utmost urgency, ensuring the resumption of the voyage as soon as possible and to mitigate the effects of the incident.
As the vessel is chartered, the responsibility for the expense incurred in the recovery operation; third party liability and the cost of repair (if any) is the owners.
A further up-date on the situation will be made as material information becomes available.