Frankfurt Airport records significant traffic growth for passengers and flights - Fraport's international portfolio achieves positive development

Frankfurt Airport (FRA) served almost 4.4 million passengers in the February 2018 reporting month, an increase of 8.5 percent year-on-year. Passenger traffic in the cumulative January-to-February 2018 period rose by 8.0 percent.  February's passenger increase can be attributed mainly to intra-European routes which generated 13.2 percent growth. Cargo throughput (airfreight and airmail) at FRA grew by 3.2 percent to 166,959 metric tons.

Aircraft movements climbed by 7.6 percent to 35,193 takeoffs and landings. European traffic (up 10.5 percent) was also the main growth driver in this category. Accumulated maximum takeoff weights (MTOWs) advanced by 5.5 percent to about 2.2 million metric tons. Overall, Fraport's international airport portfolio recorded traffic growth in February 2018. Slovenia's Ljubljana Airport (LJU) received 99,213 passengers, a double-digit gain of 10.2 percent. The two Brazilian airports of Fortaleza (FOR) and Porto Alegre (POA) welcomed a combined total of about 1.1 million passengers - representing growth of 6.1 percent. The 14 Greek regional airports saw traffic slide by 8.8 percent to a combined total of 517,438 passengers. The primary contributing factor here was reduced flight operations at the high-traffic Thessaloniki Airport (SKG), required for runway construction works. As a result, SKG's passenger traffic dropped by 13.7 percent during the reporting period. In the meantime, the SKG runway project has been completed.

Peru's capital city gateway at Lima Airport (LIM) reported about 1.7 million passengers and growth of 9.6 percent in February 2018. Combined, Fraport Twin Star's airports at Varna (VAR) and Burgas (BOJ) on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast advanced by 62.2 percent to a total of 61,027 passengers. On the Turkish Riviera, Antalya Airport (AYT) achieved a 15.5 percent jump in traffic to 694,177 passengers. Traffic at Hanover Airport (HAJ) in northern Germany grew by 11.1 per cent to 317,579 passengers. In the reporting month, Russia's St. Petersburg Airport (LED) registered 953,908 passengers (up 6.3 percent) and China's Xi'an Airport (XIY) counted some 3.5 million passengers (up 8.9 percent).

Print-quality photos of Fraport AG and Frankfurt Airport are available for free downloading via the photo library on the Fraport Web site. For TV news and information broadcasting purposes only, we also offer free footage material for downloading. If you wish to meet a member of our Media Relations team when at Frankfurt Airport, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our contact details are available here.

About Fraport AG and Frankfurt Airport

One of the leading players in the global airport business, Fraport AG offers a wide range of operational and management solutions based on over 90 years of aviation expertise. Fraport's portfolio of companies spans four continents with activities at 30 airports worldwide. In business year 2016, the Fraport Group generated sales of EUR2.59 billion and profit of about EUR400 million. More than 145 million passengers in 2017 used airports around the world in which Fraport has more than a 50 percent stake. In its Mission Statement, Fraport places the focus on customers. The Group's commitment to ensuring a "good trip" to all passengers and travelers is also reflected in the corporate slogan: "Gute Reise! We make it happen". This applies to all of Fraport's business activities and services at Germany's largest aviation hub in Frankfurt and the Group's airports worldwide.

At its Frankfurt Airport (FRA) home base, Fraport welcomed more than 64 million passengers and handled about 2.2 million metric tons of cargo (airfreight and airmail) in 2017. For the current winter timetable, FRA is served by 89 passenger airlines flying to 262 destinations in 100 countries worldwide. With 128 intercontinental destinations, almost half of all destinations are intercontinental (beyond Europe) - underscoring Frankfurt's role as a leading hub in the global air transportation system. In Europe, Frankfurt Airport ranks second in terms of cargo tonnage and is the fourth busiest for passenger traffic.  With about 55 percent of all passengers using Frankfurt as a connecting hub, FRA also has the highest transfer rate among the major European hubs.

Frankfurt Airport City has become Germany's largest job complex at a single location, employing approximately 81,000 people at some 450 companies and organizations on site. Almost half of Germany's population lives within a 200-kilometer radius of the FRA intermodal travel hub - the largest airport catchment area in Europe. FRA also serves as a magnet for other companies located throughout the economically vital Frankfurt/Rhine-Main-Neckar region. Thanks to synergies associated with the region's dynamic industries, networked expertise, and outstanding intermodal transportation infrastructure, FRA's world route network enables Germany's export-oriented businesses to flourish in global markets. Likewise, FRA is a key gateway for companies wanting to access the huge European marketplace.  Thus, Frankfurt Airport - which is strategically located in the heart of Europe - is one of the most important hubs in the global logistics chain.