Transportation and Infrastructure Ranking Member Sam Graves (R-MO) today commended U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler and the Trump Administration for a proposal to establish much greater clarity and transparency in how the agency produces guidance documents.

“This is a big step toward major regulatory reform at EPA,” Graves said.  “Throughout the years, the EPA has been one of the most onerous regulatory agencies in the government, issuing more guidance documents than most other federal agencies.  These guidance documents are often produced without adequate public notice or input from the regulated community, conflict with one another, and get enforced based on the whims of an individual regional office.  Worst of all, guidance has too often served as a Trojan Horse for backdoor regulatory efforts that go beyond the scope of Congress’ intent and existing law.”

Graves continued, “Americans deserve better than that, and this proposed rule will lead to a much more open and fair regulatory process.  I commend Administrator Wheeler for working to reduce regulatory burdens that are unnecessary in the protection of our environment.”