Port stakeholder alliances crucial to develop greener ports. 

Fareham UK – Keynote speaker, Boyd Rutherford - lieutenant governor of Maryland, set the tone of the conference and highlighted the need to put collaboration first.

Mr Rutherford continued to  further explain how the port of Baltimore, as the fourth fastest growing port in America, has enacted clean air standards twice as high as those stated in the Paris Agreement and continues to put suitability at the forefront of the port. Ben Grumbles - secretary of the Maryland department of the Environment, added his view on collaboration saying ”We are showing the state, region and leaders around the world how progress can happen when we work together using federal funds and state funds.” 

Session one welcomed Robert Howe - MD, Bremen Ports, who added that as the fourth biggest harbour in Europe, Bremen seeks to advance its concept of 'green ports as green gateways for green shipping and green logistics'. Anne Choate - Senior Vice President of ICF International's Sustainability Division, said that increasing resilience at a port has the effect of increasing resilience in the local and regional economy. She urged ports to 'find champions who can sell concepts to management and staff on the ground. It's important to find entry points in existing systems.'

Mick Arnold - president of Arnold Packaging, covered the diverse challenges of building a sustainable logistics/supply chain adding, 'You can make packaging choices that will provide sustainability and profitability benefits. The world rewards people who are making smart choices.'

During session two Joseph Greco - Ports America Chesapeake LLC, addressed community engagement challenges, saying, 'There is continuous pressure to move the economic activity of ports away from the population. We have taken up the challenge to become the most efficient port on the East Coast, with positive community relationships.'

Talib Horne - executive director of Bon Secours Community Works, added, 'In supporting a port/community development program, it’s best to let the community dictate which way the relationship should go.' Community leader Francis Taylor said mutual respect was essential. 'As long as you are reaching out from port to community and genuinely addressing issues with patience and concern, I think it's a no-brainer that outreach can be successful.' Destiny Watford, winner of the 2016 Goldman Environmental Prize for Grassroots Heroes, talked about her motivation for becoming a community activist for a Baltimore port community. 'We weren't at the table making decisions and we could not continue with that cycle,'

Session 2 concluded with Solomon Egbe - director of health, safety & environment at Ports America Chesapeake, said a proactive approach to mitigate community impacts was important. 'We are way ahead of regulations, when we expand the port down the road it is going to create a significant impact on the environment, so we are jumping ahead of the curve in emissions reduction.