Halifax, Nova Scotia – The Halifax Port Authority launched a public consultation on infrastructure planning on March 21, 2019. Today, we are pleased to share the findings of the online Choicebook consultation.
The survey used a two-pronged recruitment approach including a self-select stream and a citizen sample. The self-select stream was open to everyone and was promoted by press release, over social media and through a combination of traditional and digital advertising. It was completed online by over 1,100 participants. The citizen sample provided a demographically representative view of over 1,000 Nova Scotians by age, gender and geography, based on StatsCan census data. The Choicebook™ online consultation was available from March 21 to April 18, 2019.
Highlights from the report include a large majority of respondents recognizing how the Port plays an important role in the region’s economy, understanding the rationale for expanding the Port and expressing support for doing so. The impact on local neighbourhoods stood out as a top priority for both response groups.
The Halifax Port Authority also sought feedback on downtown port-related truck traffic and rail options. Participants from both groups indicated they were concerned about the volume of trucks downtown and supported options to reduce it. Participants also expressed clear interest in potential rail solutions. These responses echo what the HPA has heard from stakeholders and the community throughout the planning process.
Overall findings are included in the attached report, which is posted at the port's website.