The Halifax Port Authority is committed to incorporating sustainability into every aspect of the organization. Sustainability planning is a key component of the overall strategic vision and its effective implementation.

“For the Port of Halifax, sustainability is the balance of economics, community integration and the environment. The Halifax Port Authority is working to better incorporate this balance into all aspects of the organization, because in order to be a true economic development hub, we must ensure we are also taking a leadership role in environmental stewardship including measuring and mitigating impacts, and community involvement. This is reflected through the introduction of the Port community liaison committee, collaborative decision-making platforms and work on our one port city philosophy,” said Captain Allan Gray, President and CEO, Halifax Port Authority. “As President and CEO, I see my role as bringing together all the different players who make up Port City Halifax to find that balance. I am fortunate to have willing community and industry partners to work with, and the support of a great team to help with the heavy lifting.”

The second Sustainability Report for the Halifax Port Authority is now complete and has been posted publicly to the Port of Halifax website. This report covers the years 2018 and 2019, providing updates on progress since the release of the initial 2017 Sustainability Report.