A distribution center makes up an essential part of the supply chain. It’s the distribution center’s job to store, pick, pack, and distribute items so that they arrive at their final destination in excellent condition. Of course, the center needs to run efficiently and safely for all that to be possible.

Why Safety in Distribution Centers is So Important

In distribution centers – and any other kind of warehouse – safety must be a priority. That’s because the places are inherently dangerous to people who aren’t qualified to work there, thanks to the use of manufacturing equipment. In fact, statistics show that, in 2019, every 4.8 per 100 full-time warehouse workers sustained an injury while at work. That’s a steep number, and each injury can have catastrophic consequences for both the employee and the manufacturing company itself, including liability costs, reputation damage, and a higher turnover rate.

It’s clear that safety is an essential part of running a distribution center; it creates a more efficient, happy workplace – one where everyone can feel safe to get on with their tasks. So, how do you manage that? Here are some of the most effective ways to increase safety in a distribution center.

Create an Organized Warehouse Layout

Take a look at the layout of your distribution center. Is it clear, with plenty of signage and a one-way system? Or is it a little more disorganized? If it’s the latter, the distribution Centre won’t be running as efficiently as it could, not to mention the safety issues that come with a poor warehouse layout.

For an organized layout, your goal is wide, open aisles, easy-to-read signage, and a traffic flow system. Basically, your aim is to ensure it’s easy to get around without anyone colliding with one another. If a forklift is moving down an aisle, it should be against the system for anyone to be going in the opposite direction. An easy way to ensure a smoother traffic flow system within a warehouse is through safety barriers, which easily direct people to the right areas and away from the high-risk ones. If you’re yet to install safety barriers, otwsafety.com has an excellent range, offering tailored service and longevity in the products.

Ensure Equipment Maintenance

One of the biggest causes of injury on a warehouse floor? Problems with equipment. That’s why creating and following an equipment maintenance schedule is so important. It’s always better to detect a potential machine issue early on than to let it go unnoticed and for a malfunction to cause injury!

Only Allow Certified Workers to Operate Equipment

Forklifts are dangerous. As such, only people with the necessary training and credentials should operate them. Unfortunately, it’s not unheard of for those without forklift certification to board the equipment, especially if they’re in the midst of their training. This should always be avoided, as forklifts cause many injuries and even fatalities in some cases.

Hold Regular Safety Training Sessions

Finally, hold regular safety training sessions within the distribution center, ensuring every single employee attends them. Yes – even the older, experienced staff members! Even if they know what they’re doing, it’s still important to refresh their memory with the most crucial safety measures. Plus, distribution centers aren’t static – with every new piece of equipment or method for distributing goods, there need to be new safety measures deployed.