KR has unveiled the latest edition, version 22, of KR-CON, a comprehensive digital database encompassing nearly all the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) instruments. Since its initial release in 2000, KR-CON has gained widespread adoption among maritime industry professionals and governments globally, earning acclaim for its user-friendly design.
The 22nd version of KR-CON introduces significant improvements to further elevate user experience in response to user feedback, addressing previous issues including mobile login errors. In line with environmental responsibility, the new version incorporates eco-friendly measures, such as the use of FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified paper and soy ink in the production of its packaging and promotional brochures. These initiatives represent KR’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions and contributing to the mitigation of the climate crisis.
The latest edition of KR-CON includes updates such as amendments to the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), adopted in the 107th Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) and the 80th Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) sessions, along with resolutions from the IMO's 33rd Assembly in 2023. The database will continue to be regularly updated with new documents following their adoption.
KR-CON is now accessible via various platforms including a website, a mobile application, USB, and web installation version. It offers a wealth of resources such as IMO instruments, codes, resolutions, and circulars, available in both Korean and English.