Leading logistics services provider enhances truckload capacity management, shipment visibility, carrier engagement through Trucker Tools predictive freight-matching tools, real-time load tracking
RESTON, VA - Trucker Tools LLC, which provides shipment visibility, carrier capacity management and predictive freight-matching solutions for the transportation industry, announced that Leonard’s Express, a Farmington, NY-based transportation services company, has adopted Trucker Tools’ Smart Capacity and Load Track products for improved capacity planning, carrier management and accurate, real-time shipment visibility for its customers.
“We adopted Trucker Tools because it offered a proven platform to make our brokerage operations more efficient, improve the accuracy and timeliness load tracking, and help solve the problem of ‘stale’ capacity data that plagues the truckload market,” said Troy Wiitanen, vice president of logistics for Leonard’s Express. “We want to be the broker of choice for our carriers. That means giving them real-time, repeat loads, minimizing their downtime and improving how we help them manage and optimize their assets. Trucker Tools contributes significantly to that objective.”
Leonard’s Express is complementing its current transportation management system (TMS) with two Trucker Tools solutions: Smart Capacity and Load Track. With Smart Capacity the company gains a suite of advanced functionality and workflows for predictive freight-matching, capacity management, visibility into future available capacity and other broker-carrier collaboration features. Smart Capacity enables brokers to dramatically compress the time – and cost – to secure the optimal match of truck to load.
Load Track supports more complete and timely shipment in-transit information. A real-time shipment visibility application, it’s built on the industry-leading Trucker Tools Mobile Driver App. The app uses the smart-phone’s GPS features to transmit continually updated truck and driver location information over Trucker Tools’ confidential, secure network. The mobile app, which also features 16 of the most sought-after tools drivers use for managing their business while on the road, has been downloaded by more than 550,000 truck drivers since its launch in 2013.
Wiitanen cited the Trucker Tools Mobile Driver App as a benefit “because it’s already on the driver’s phone and connected to the system, so engaging current truckers, as well as bringing new capacity on to our network is very efficient. They don’t have to download any other apps.”
Leonard’s Express also benefited from a rapid onboarding process thanks to pre-built integration templates Trucker Tools has developed with major TMS providers. These include Trimble Transportation’s TMW Systems software, which is Leonard’s Express TMS system of record.
Prasad Gollapalli, founder and CEO of Trucker Tools, welcomed Leonard’s Express as a customer and complimented their foresight in strategically “making the leap” into beneficial new technologies that help optimize and enhance their operations on several fronts.
“Brokers today cannot sit still, lest they become overwhelmed and left behind by the dramatic technology evolution occurring with unprecedented speed in freight transportation,” Gollapalli said. “Our vision is to be an enabler for brokers, a partner that provides effective technology solutions that can be implemented quickly and make providers like Leonard’s Express more efficient, effective and responsive to shippers and carriers – and a continuing competitive force in the market.”