The Little Rock Port Authority (LRPA) celebrated its 60th year of operations with a luncheon overlooking the Arkansas River at the Robinson Center in downtown Little Rock. The event featured a panel discussion between Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson and Union Pacific Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Lance Fritz, moderated Thomas F. “Mack” McLarty.
The invocation was delivered by Jon Wickliffe, who served on the Little Rock Port Authority’s Board of Directors for more than 20 years. LRPA Board Chair Melissa Hendricks and Little Rock Mayor Frank D. Scott, Jr. spoke to the nearly 300 civic and business leaders in attendance. At the conclusion, LRPA Executive Director Bryan Day presented the panelists with a print by local artist Matt McLeod, who was commissioned to create a piece honoring the work of the Port.
“The Port is a true public-private partnership – one in which the city has banded with industry to provide more than 4,500 jobs at 42 companies,” said Melissa Hendricks, chair of the Little Rock Port Authority Board of Directors.“ Little Rock Mayor Scott declared that “as the Port of Little Rock moves forward, we will work together to create a place that is business-friendly, a place that provides a qualified workforce, a place that offers efficient logistical opportunities, and a place that is ready for investment.”