Marine Repair Services-Container Maintenance Corporation (MRS-CMC) has introduced a loaded container storage solution at 18 conveniently located depot locations throughout the Southeast, Mid-South and Gulf regions. This solution was introduced in response to the current terminal congestion and supply chain capacity challenges that are forcing shippers to find alternative space for loaded containers.

The MRS-CMC container storage solution was initially launched in Savannah and the response from the market compelled the company to expand the service to all its depots. With this expansion, the solution will now provide the industry additional space to store loaded containers. 

Solution addresses critical need for more loaded container storage space brought on by congestion and capacity challenges
Solution addresses critical need for more loaded container storage space brought on by congestion and capacity challenges

“Port Terminals need the import-loaded containers removed quickly and the export-loaded containers returned in time for the vessel stevedoring. Warehouses and rail yards are simply packed beyond capacity, so the need for additional space for loaded containers is at an all-time high. Shippers and BCOs have been particularly responsive to our service, and the trucking community as well as freight forwarders are securing additional space. This is the type of practical solution to a real-world problem that our customers need right now. This is especially the case in our locations we offer the grounded solution, freeing up wheels that can be used more efficiently,” said Bryan Blalock, Chief Operating Officer, MRS-CMC.

The following MRS-CMC depot locations feature new load lift equipment for grounded operations: Charleston, SC (Amsterdam Street location); Greer, SC; Houston, TX; Memphis, TN (Clarke Road location) and Savannah, GA (Rincon location). Two additional Savannah Locations are opening during 2022 (Q1 and Q2).

The following MRS-CMC depot locations offer container storage for wheeled operations: Atlanta, GA; Charleston, SC (4 locations); Charlotte, NC; Crandall, GA; Dallas, TX; Dillon, SC; Greer, SC; Houston, TX; Jacksonville, FL; Memphis, TN (3 locations); Norfolk, VA and Savannah, GA

“Our new container storage solution provides much-needed space for our customers while reducing congestion at the terminals, reducing pressure at warehouses, and making much-needed chassis available,” said Blalock.