Besides its native integration with Port Community System of Port of Trieste Sinfomar, Milos Terminal Operating System for Trieste Intermodal Maritime Terminal (“TIMT”) is also interoperable with evolute platforms used by Samer & Co. Shipping and Ulusoy.
CIRCLE Group, specialized in the analysis and development of innovation and digitalization solutions for port and intermodal logistics headed by Circle S.p.A., Company listed on the AIM Italia market organized and managed by Borsa Italiana, announced the full release of Milos Terminal Operating System (“TOS”) for Trieste Intermodal Maritime Terminal (“TIMT”) in the port of Trieste.
Thanks to these synergies, the new integrated TOS will provide a single real-time view of all operations and data, allowing to share information among all players of the supply chain, obtaining event recording for more accurate reporting, visibility about yard availability situation, trailer operative management, mobile reach stacker interoperability and thus significant optimization for shipping line planning and management.
Milos will exploit handheld and vehicle-mounted mobile devices that allow to follow operations both in yard and on the ship. The mobile app features a modern and intuitive user interface and give users great flexibility.
Through our suite it will be possible to take smarter decisions in a faster way, resulting in improved productivity and greater operational efficiency” stated Luca Abatello, CEO at Circle Group.