Norden has today signed a partnership agreement with the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping.
Based in Copenhagen, the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Center is an independent, not-for-profit, research and development centre launched with support of the A.P. Moller Foundation, with a mission to decarbonise the maritime industry. The centre works across the shipping industry, collaborating with companies, academia and authorities.
As strategic partner, Norden will contribute directly to the work of the centre on projects related to the development and implementation of future fuels and zero carbon technologies.
For example, Norden will provide ‘sailing laboratories’ – using its owned fleet to carry out tests of new fuels or alternative wind propulsion systems. Employees from Norden’s decarbonisation team as well as technical and commercial colleagues will provide their expertise on various projects.
In welcoming Norden on board the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Center for Zero Carbon shipping, CEO Bo Cerup-Simonsen said: “Transitioning to zero carbon shipping is not about finding one silver bullet applicable across segments. A valid transition narrative builds on a holistic supply chain perspective combined with in depth understanding of the technology and fuels, but also the complexity of individual segments, business models and ship owning structures. With Norden, we bring on board 150 years of experience and invaluable knowledge within dry bulk and tanker segments, and we are truly looking forward to the collaboration.”