Total Transborder Freight by Border in March 2024, Compared to March 2023:
Transborder freight between the U.S. and North American countries Canada and Mexico:
- Total transborder freight: $133.5 billion of transborder freight moved by all modes of transportation, down 5.6% compared to March 2023
- Freight between the U.S. and Canada: $65.1 billion, down 6.2% from March 2023
- Freight between the U.S. and Mexico: $68.5 billion, down 5.0% from March 2023
- Mexico continued to lead Canada in freight dollar value for the last thirteen months - since February 2023.
- Trucks moved $86.1 billion of freight, down 4.5% compared to March 2023
- Railways moved $18.5 billion of freight, down 0.4% compared to March 2023
- Vessels moved $10.2 billion of freight, down 5.4% compared to March 2023
- Pipelines moved $8.6 billion of freight, down 15.4% compared to March 2023
- Air moved $4.4 billion of freight, down 14.0% compared to March 2023