Freight shipped across the U.S. borders with Canada and Mexico by all modes of transportation was valued at $112.5 billion in February 2022, down 1.1% from January 2022 ($113.7B) but up 17.3% from February 2021 ($95.86B) and up17.2% from pre-pandemic February 2020 ($95.95B).

Freight between the U.S. and Canada totaled $56.2B in February 2022, up 18.6% from February 2021 ($47.4B). Freight between the U.S. and Mexico totaled $56.3B, up 16% from February 2021 ($48.5B). Also in February 2022, trucks moved $69.2 billion of freight, up 16.3% compared to February 2021 ($59.5B), and railways moved $15.3 billion of freight, up 19.0% from February 2021 ($12.8B).

Total Transborder Freight by Border and Mode:
U.S.-Canada (both directions)
(Dollars in Billions)
Truck:              $29.7
Rail:                 $8.6
Pipeline:           $9.0   
Air:                   $2.7
Vessel:             $2.9   
U.S.-Mexico (both directions)
(Dollars in Billions)
Truck:              $39.5
Rail:                 $6.7
Vessel:             $6.1   
Air:                   $1.5
Pipeline:           $0.9   


Truck Freight: $69.2 billion (61.5% of all transborder freight)

  • U.S.-Canada: $29.7 billion (52.8% of all northern border freight)
  • U.S.-Mexico: $39.5 billion (70.2% of all southern border freight)
  • Top three busiest truck border ports (43.9% of total transborder truck freight)
    • Laredo, TX                                     $17.1 billion
    • Detroit, MI                                        $7.2 billion
    • Port Huron, MI                                 $6.1 billion
  • Top three truck commodities (46.5% of total transborder truck freight)
    • Computers and parts                      $12.9 billion
    • Electrical machinery                     $10.5 billion
    • Vehicles and parts                            $8.8 billion

Rail Freight: $15.3 billion (13.6% of all transborder freight) 

  • U.S.-Canada: $8.6 billion (15.2% of all northern border freight)
  • U.S.-Mexico: $6.7 billion (11.9% of all southern border freight)
  • Top three busiest rail border ports (48.4% of total transborder rail freight)
    • Laredo, TX                                        $3.5 billion
    • Port Huron, MI                                   $2.1 billion
    • Eagle Pass, TX                                    $1.7 billion
  • Top three rail commodities (50.2% of total transborder rail freight)
    • Vehicles and parts                             $5.2 billion
    • Mineral fuels                                       $1.3 billion
    • Plastics                                                $1.2 billion