Port employs enhanced health and safety measures to protect workers and travelers
The Alameda County Health Officer has issued Public Health Emergency Order No. 20-08, generally requiring the use of face coverings when engaged in essential business and services in public settings. The order is now enforceable in Alameda County and applies to everyone over 12 years of age.
OAK continues its ongoing response by undertaking numerous efforts to mitigate the spread of coronavirus and COVID-19, including increased disinfecting of common spaces and high-touch point areas as well as the installation of social distance markers in terminal ticketing, baggage claim, and boarding areas. As added safety measures, travelers are strongly encouraged to continue adhering to other CDC health recommendations, including frequent hand-washing, not touching your face, and sneezing and coughing into a tissue and discarding immediately. These asks are reinforced via audio and visual messaging throughout the Terminals.
Airport employees and travelers are reminded that face coverings must fully cover the nose and mouth and fit securely. Coverings can be a manufactured or homemade mask such as a bandana, scarf, towel, or other piece of cloth or fabric, which covers the nose and mouth.
OAK remains open for essential travel, and is working together with local, state, and federal health officials in an ongoing effort to protect against COVID-19. In coordination with its in-terminal customer service partners, the Airport has worked to ensure minimum levels of retail and food & beverage services remain available for our customers. Additionally, the Airport is in regular contact with its airline partners concerning flight schedule adjustments.