The Oxnard Harbor District/Port of Hueneme Board of Harbor Commissioners named its officers for 2022. Commissioner Mary Anne Rooney was unanimously voted to serve as President.
“It is truly an honor to serve as Harbor Commissioner President for a third time,” said Commissioner Rooney. “Along with my fellow Commissioners, we will keep our resolve and steadfast commitment to environmental progress, innovation and our community. We will continue to support our customers and serve as an economic force in the county by creating thousands of jobs and providing over $100 million dollars in tax revenues for our local communities.”
Port of Hueneme continues to implement its award-winning sustainability programs, including its seventh year of Green Marine certification along with expansion of our climate action and air quality programs. In 2022, the Port will expand its community air quality monitoring network which will include the launch of a website that will provide the community with current data about air quality in the south Oxnard region. This website will include information about local air quality in both English and Spanish. Additionally, the Port is undertaking an infrastructure construction project this year that will install high-voltage vaults on our south wharf to allow the large Port mobile harbor cranes to run off of clean electrical grid power while moving cargo.
A recent Freight Study produced by the Ventura County Transportation Commission shows that Port truck trips make up less than 1 percent of daily truck trips in Ventura County. The Port will work with this contingency and collaborate with local private trucking companies to increase their awareness about upcoming state regulations that set deadlines and requirements for zero emission trucks. This work includes outreach on incentive programs as well as providing information on how to access much-needed infrastructure for future battery electric trucks.
Building off of the Board of Harbor Commissioner's recent resolution committing the Port to a zero emission future and transitioning short haul truck to zero emission by 2035 or sooner, the Port is continuing to work on a state-funded blueprint grant which will help conduct the technical analyses needed to understand the kinds and amounts of carbon-free clean energy fuels of the future that the Port will need to make cargo move in the future and continue to be the lifeblood of Ventura County‘s economy.
Commissioner Rooney was the first woman elected to the Board of Harbor Commissioners in November 2010 and served her first term as President of the Board in 2014. She is an active member of the community serving on the Boards of Nyeland Promise and the Local Agency Formation Commission; past President of the Association of Pacific Ports; Economic Development Committee Member for the American Association of Port Authorities; and a Delegate on a Leadership Mission to Taiwan in 2013, past Vice President of the Ventura County Special District Association.
President Rooney is joined by Jess J. Herrera, who will serve as Vice President; and Celina L. Zacarias who will serve as Secretary for the next year. Herrera is a retired longshoremen from the Port of Hueneme and has served on the Board of Harbor Commissioners for 28 years. Zacarias is the Senior Director of Community and Government Relations for California State University Channel Islands and has served on the Board since February 2020. Jess Ramirez and Jason Hodge will continue to serve as Commissioners this year.