The Port Equipment Manufacturers Association (PEMA) has expressed its support for the “MAGPIE” initiative, which sets out how innovation can achieve green ports of the future by 2050 through technological innovation.
“PEMA believes the MAGPIE proposal will deliver a roadmap towards green ports of the future by 2050 and would therefore like to give our warmest possible recommendation of support for this important cross-disciplinary innovation action,” PEMA President, Ottonel Popesco, wrote in a statement.
PEMA’s key focus areas are the environment, safety, security, and performance – areas that align with the MAGPIE initiative’s focus areas. PEMA represents the interests of more than 125 port equipment and technology suppliers worldwide, providing a platform to inform, educate and promote best practice, both within the industries it serves and with port and terminal operators and other key stakeholders.
The MAGPIE initiative is part of Horizon 2020, the EU’s largest research and innovation programme to date, backed by some EUR 80 billion of funding, which calls for the building of a “low-carbon, climate resilient future”.
Founded in 2004, PEMA provides a forum and public voice for the global port equipment and technology sectors. The Association has seen strong growth in recent years, and now has more than 125 member companies representing all facets of the industry, including crane, equipment and component manufacturers, automation, software and technology providers, consultants and other experts.