The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers coastal dredging contractor was in Coos Bay conducting dredging operations within the Charleston federal navigation channel during the last week of August. Recognizing an opportunity to realize significant cost savings associated with mobilization and demobilization to the south coast, the Port entered into a contract with McAmis to remove up to 3,000 cubic yards of sand from a problematic area of shoaling at Point Adams.     

This shoaling is within the footprint of the Marina Complex that falls outside of the Federally Authorized Navigation Channel.  The area is adjacent to the Point Adams processing facility and Russel Marine Fuel Supply, which also serves as access to the Charleston boat ramp and inner basin.

McAmis began work on Saturday, August 29th and completed dredging operations on Sunday the 30th. Approximately 2,991 cubic yards were removed and placed at an approved offshore disposal site.  The area was dredged to -8’ MLLW at the dock face and within the northern portion of the entrance. Mariners are reminded to continue to use caution in this area due to equilibration and the movement of sand from the top of slopes,

The Port has been working closely with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Senator Merkley’s office to expand the authorized footprint of the Federal Navigation Channel to include the area that was dredged this past weekend.  The Corps is currently conducting a feasibility study to determine the annual costs associated with assuming maintenance dredging in this portion of the Charleston Marina.