S&P Global Ratings (S&P) announced in May it is upgrading the credit rating for the Port of Corpus Christi Authority from A+ to AA- on all existing debt and raising both the Enterprise Risk and Financial Risk profiles to Very Strong – the highest rating available.
“We are pleased with S&P’s recognition of the sustained financial stability of the Port of Corpus Christi. The rating increase is a demonstrable reflection of the confidence from outside parties in the continuing high performance of the Port of Corpus Christi,” said Kent Britton, the Chief Financial Officer, and Interim Chief Executive Officer for the Port of Corpus Christi.
“Our executive team at the Port of Corpus Christi has been diligent in visiting rating agencies routinely to communicate the role and significance of the Port of Corpus Christi,” said Charles Zahn, Jr., Port of Corpus Christi Commission Chairman. “That persistence has further elevated our Port of Corpus Christi in the global energy marketplace.”