Key supply and disposal functions in North Rhine-Westphalia must be secured; Operating processes are bundled by crisis unit

Key supply and disposal functions in North Rhine-Westphalia must be securedDuisburg - On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization classified the spread of the COVID-19 virus as a global pandemic. The crisis unit at the Port of Duisburg has responded to the current worsening of the coronavirus crisis with a series of preventative measures that were initiated in coordination with the recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute and government authorities.

Similar to other companies, operational processes at the Port of Duisburg are also affected by the restrictions resulting from the hygiene and health measures.

“In view of this tense situation, the crisis unit is bundling the requirements and tasks from all areas of the company in order to minimize the negative impact on the port’s supply and disposal function for the entire North Rhine-Westphalia region,” says Erich Staake, Chief Executive Officer of Duisburger Hafen AG. “Ensuring the integrity of our workforce is key to maintaining the port's key functions,” Staake continues.

Therefore protecting the health of employees is the top priority of the crisis unit: Employees are regularly informed of the current situation and the recommendations released by government authorities and the Robert Koch Institute to protect the health and safety of the population.

No confirmed cases of infection thus far

At this time, there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the duisport Group.

The main crisis unit measures at a glance:

Clear processes and contingency plans

Working with all divisions of the duisport Group, the crisis unit has defined binding processes that will trigger immediate contingency plans in the event that business operations are negatively affected, in order to minimize the impact on supply and disposal processes.

Identical hygiene regulations for all

The crisis unit also informs external partners that they must comply with the preventative health measures of the Port of Duisburg for incoming and outgoing deliveries of goods.

Reduction in business travel

Business travel by all employees of the duisport Group will be limited to essential travel until further notice.