Port of Hueneme, California - The Port of Hueneme was notified that years of responsible fiscal policy and prioritizing strategic monetary planning have earned them an A Rating from the Standard and Poor (S & P) bond rating system. “As an independent special district that does not rely on taxes but on our earned revenue, this accomplishment is a testament to the efforts of our District staff and leadership in prioritizing the Port’s fiscal health,” stated Oxnard Harbor District President Jess Herrera. “Being a public agency, we have the responsibility to be good stewards of our finances, and this third-party certification signals to the public, potential lenders, and our customers that we have our fiscal house in order.”
Kristin Decas, CEO & Port Director commented, “This increase in bond rating comes at a crucial time for the Port, as we are embarking on several infrastructure development projects for which the Port will need to go to the bond market to finance. This upgraded rating will allow the Port better borrowing terms, and ultimately save the public millions of dollars over the life of projects.”
“It has been the top priority of our financial and accounting department to get the Port into the top tier of bond ratings since I started at the Port in 2007,” said Andrew Palomares, Deputy Port Director and CFO/CAO. “With our cargo volumes up 23% since 2012, it has allowed us to make investments in the future fiscal health of the Port with any extra revenues. These included paying down our bond debt sooner than expected, and investing $1 million to pre-fund long term employee health benefits.”
The S & P report identifies several factors in their decision to increase the Port’s bond rating including: stability in the Port’s top business customers, favorable GDP per capita and strong service area economic fundamentals, and strong management and governance that has established a track record and managing risk.
“It was really a team effort,” stated Austin Yang Director of Finance for the Port of Hueneme. “One of the District’s strengths on S & P’s rating report was the District has ‘strong management and governance’. This rating upgrade is a clear signal to the markets and investors that the Port of Hueneme is good place for their investment.”