Nonprofit organizations are invited to apply for the Port of Long Beach’s Community Sponsorship Program, which funds community events and activities that help inform residents about the Port. The events center on the environment, education, social justice, the arts, and historic preservation.

Community groups may submit sponsorship applications online starting Wednesday, March 1, through 5 p.m. Friday, March 31. Due to the application review process, applicants are advised to plan well in advance for their events. Once the application period closes, a 60-day time frame is needed before the proposed event may commence due to the careful review, consideration, and recommendation process followed prior to approval by the Board of Harbor Commissioners.

Applications are judged on how effectively the proposed events and activities can help the Port inform the community of its critical role as an environmental steward, economic engine, and job creator. Events chosen should include promotional, marketing, and community outreach opportunities for the Port. The sponsored events and programs help spread awareness about the Port’s operations, initiatives, and community investment. For more information on the Port’s Community Sponsorship Program and how to apply, go to

Last September, for the first call of the POLB_Non-Profits

the fiscal year 2023, Harbor Commissioners awarded 156 community sponsorships totaling $508,150 – the highest amount awarded in a single sponsorship call.