Port NOLA’s First Annual Shippers Summit receives top award for overall communications excellence
NEW ORLEANS — The American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA), the unified and recognized voice of seaports in the Americas, acknowledged the Port of New Orleans (Port NOLA) with 10 communications awards as part of the trade association’s 53nd annual Communications Awards Program which honors member seaports for exemplary communications projects and programs.
“The Port of New Orleans is proud to be honored by our peers for our strategic communications within our local community and throughout the maritime industry,” said Brandy D. Christian, Port of New Orleans President and CEO. “Our communications efforts play an important role in conveying the importance of Port NOLA as an economic engine and as a modern global gateway.”
Port NOLA’s winning entries include:
- Overall Award of Communications Excellence – Special Events: Shippers Summit
- Award of Excellence – Overall Campaign: 2018 Maritime Month Campaign
- Award of Excellence – Promotional/ Advocacy: Economic Impact Brochure
- Award of Excellence – Promotional/ Advocacy: Coloring and Activity Book
- Award of Excellence – Videos: Generations Working for You
- Award of Excellence – Videos: Galvanizing the Gateway
- Award of Excellence – Website: portnola.com
- Award of Distinction – Directories/Handbooks: Gateway Review
- Award of Distinction – Miscellaneous: Cruise Exhibition Booth
- Award of Distinction – Periodicals: Port Record
“The Communications Awards Program judges told us that this year’s entries set a new, higher standard of excellence than ever before,” said Kurt Nagle, AAPA’s President and CEO. “This competition helps our member ports by rewarding strategic communications through peer-reviewed analyses of their programs and projects, and by showcasing best practices and lessons learned.”
“When port authorities communicate strategically with their many audiences, including their communities, business leaders and policymakers, they’re better able to show their tremendous value as drivers of economic development, environmental enhancement and job creation,” said Nagle.
The 2019 AAPA Communications Awards Program utilized 32 professional public relations practitioners from the Washington, D.C.-area who cumulatively spent 128 hours over two weeks judging the 15 classifications of entries, ranging from advertisements, periodicals, videos and websites, to social media and overall campaigns.